What is Maqui Berry

Maqui berry is a berry that is found in the Patagonia region. This is one of the most fertile areas in the entire world, and it makes this berry one of the great tasting foods you will ever encounter. However, I am not telling you about the Maqui berry simply because it tastes good. This is quite possibly going to become the greatest weight loss supplement in the world!

Maqui berry first gained some steam when it was mentioned very quickly by Rachael Ray on one of her shows. She did not elaborate on the berry, but search volume increased by almost 400% that day. In the last few months, more and more comments have come out about Maqui berry and the amazing weight loss benefits it has, but it still has not become mainstream as of yet.

You are probably pretty curious about what the heck this berry is, right? Maqui berry is currently number one on the ORAC scale. That probably does not mean much to you, but the ORAC scale includes every single food in the world and measures the amount of antioxidants these foods contain. Maqui berry not only contains more antioxidants then any other food, but it actually doubles the number two food!

If you don't know what antioxidants are, they are responsible for ridding the body of dangerous chemicals and toxins that can cause massive amounts of weight gains. When you load the body with these antioxidants it can eliminate the toxins are extremely fast rates. Maqui berry has so many antioxidants that it can actually cause as much weight loss as 20 pounds in just a few weeks!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_J_Anderson
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